Newton’s Cradle, Pierre Clement et Liesbet Grupping
Vernissage le jeudi 2 mars 2017 à 18h30
Les Ateliers, 228 Av. Jean Mermoz, 63000 Clermont-Ferrand (FR)
One : The Plateau
Two : The Recesses
Three : The Group
little sensations of time, great void of eternity
Four : Water
All infinity can be contained in this stone corner
Five : Frost and Snow
Six : Air and Light
between the fireplace and the oak chest
Seven : Life : The Plants
Where are they now ?
Eight : Life : Birds, Animals, Insects
All those marvelous, spiderous delights of yours,
Nine : Life : Man
Ten : Sleep
those profound meditations on poor, dead little things.
Eleven : The Senses
Twelve : Being
Newton’s Cradle, Liesbet Grupping et Pierre Clément, Les Ateliers, Clermont-Ferrand